ご覧いただきありがとうございます。CISCO社製のCatalyst2960-X LAN LITE 24ポートでございます。
■機器起動ROM: Bootstrap program is C2960X boot loaderBOOTLDR: C2960X Boot Loader (C2960X-HBOOT-M) Version 15.2(3r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWAR E (fc1) Switch uptime is 7 minutesSystem returned to ROM by power-onSystem restarted at 05:36:51 UTC Wed Jun 1 2022System image file is "flash:/c2960x-universalk9-mz.152-2.E7/c2960x-universalk9-m z.152-2.E7.bin"Last reload reason: Reload command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email toexport@cisco.com. cisco WS-C2960X-24TS-LL (APM86XXX) processor (revision R0) with 262144K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FCW2150B5GTLast reset from power-on1 Virtual Ethernet interface1 FastEthernet interface26 Gigabit Ethernet interfacesThe password-recovery mechanism is enabled. 512K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.Base ethernet MAC Address : CC:8E:71:EC:CC:80Motherboard assembly number : 73-16697-05Power supply part number : 341-0529-02Motherboard serial number : FOC21490GC7Power supply serial number : LIT21445SKQModel revision number : R0Motherboard revision number : B0Model number : WS-C2960X-24TS-LLDaughterboard assembly number : 73-14200-03Daughterboard serial number : FOC2149463VSystem serial number : FCW2150B5GTTop Assembly Part Number : 68-100475-02Top Assembly Revision Number : E0Version ID : V05CLEI Code Number : COMGJ00ARGDaughterboard revision number : B0Hardware Board Revision Number : 0x19
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image------ ----- ----- ---------- ----------* 1 26 WS-C2960X-24TS-LL 15.2(2)E7 C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M
■機器起動ROM: Bootstrap program is C2960X boot loaderBOOTLDR: C2960X Boot Loader (C2960X-HBOOT-M) Version 15.2(3r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWAR E (fc1)
Switch uptime is 7 minutesSystem returned to ROM by power-onSystem restarted at 05:36:51 UTC Wed Jun 1 2022System image file is "flash:/c2960x-universalk9-mz.152-2.E7/c2960x-universalk9-m z.152-2.E7.bin"Last reload reason: Reload command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to UnitedStates and local country laws governing import, export, transfer anduse. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not implythird-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible forcompliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product youagree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unableto comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email toexport@cisco.com.
cisco WS-C2960X-24TS-LL (APM86XXX) processor (revision R0) with 262144K bytes of memory.Processor board ID FCW2150B5GTLast reset from power-on1 Virtual Ethernet interface1 FastEthernet interface26 Gigabit Ethernet interfacesThe password-recovery mechanism is enabled.
512K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory.Base ethernet MAC Address : CC:8E:71:EC:CC:80Motherboard assembly number : 73-16697-05Power supply part number : 341-0529-02Motherboard serial number : FOC21490GC7Power supply serial number : LIT21445SKQModel revision number : R0Motherboard revision number : B0Model number : WS-C2960X-24TS-LLDaughterboard assembly number : 73-14200-03Daughterboard serial number : FOC2149463VSystem serial number : FCW2150B5GTTop Assembly Part Number : 68-100475-02Top Assembly Revision Number : E0Version ID : V05CLEI Code Number : COMGJ00ARGDaughterboard revision number : B0Hardware Board Revision Number : 0x19
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image------ ----- ----- ---------- ----------* 1 26 WS-C2960X-24TS-LL 15.2(2)E7 C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M
Configuration register is 0xF
■注意事項・品のため、写真に写りきらない細かい汚れや傷があります。 また、目立つ大きな傷がございます。(写真参照)・初期化により通電を確認いたしました。・ノークレームノーリターンでお願い致します。